Special to 1808Delaware

The Delaware County Board of Commissioners is accepting applications from local charitable agencies for consideration to be included in a payroll-deduction contribution plan for interested County employees.

A charitable agency is considered a not-for-profit corporation, community chest, united fund, or other similar united community fund organization maintaining status as a tax-exempt IRS 501(c) (3) organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes with none of its earnings inured to any private shareholder or individual.  It may not be an action organization that influences legislation or political candidates.

The following criteria must be met by the charitable agency for consideration:

  1. Provide programs or services that benefit the Delaware County community as a whole
  2. Support a variety of diverse needs within the Delaware County community
  3. Have administrative costs of twenty percent (20%) or less
  4. Comply with all applicable Ohio laws regarding charitable organizations
  5. Be directed by an active board of trustees who have no material conflict of interest
  6. Have been in existence for at least five (5) years prior to application
  7. Have a stated policy of non-discrimination and comply with all federal and state laws and regulations
  8. Agree to be subject to audit to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with the eligibility criteria

Resolution 13-324, passed in 2013, allows for local charitable agencies to submit applications for consideration as a payroll-deduction contribution by interested county employees.  This resolution can be viewed on the Delaware County website, www.co.delaware.oh.us. All submissions will be reviewed by the Delaware County Charitable Agency Committee, made up of five (5) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners. After committee review and recommendation, the Delaware County Commissioners will approve no more than three (3) charitable agencies and approval by resolution will be valid for two full calendar years, commencing Jan. 1, 2022.

For those  interested agencies applying for 2022-23 consideration, please  submit  a letter addressing the above criteria completely to the Clerk of the Board  of Commissioners no later than Sept. 9, 2021: Jennifer Walraven, Clerk, 91 N. Sandusky St., Delaware, Ohio 43015 or by email at [email protected].

Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay

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