In 2017, the City of Delaware was awarded $2.5 million in federal dollars through the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission to upgrade the signal systems along primary travel corridors through Delaware. Starting in December 2021, upgrades will be made to 37 of the City’s 62 traffic signals along William Street (US-23 to Lehner Woods Blvd/Springer Woods Blvd), Central Avenue (US-23 to Warrensburg Road), Sandusky Street (Belle Ave to Central Ave) and London Road.

Improvements will include replacement of signal controllers, cabinets & vehicle detection, addition of battery back-up systems, installation of fiber communication and emergency vehicle preemption at each intersection, and upgrades to pedestrian signals & curb ramps for ADA accessibility. In addition, these traffic signals will be re-timed and coordinated with one another, which was last completed in 1999. Construction will take approximately 9-12 months to complete. The following benefits are anticipated from this project.

  • Reduce intersection congestion and delay, while improving overall travel time through each corridor by installing equipment that can communicate “real time” traffic conditions for the entire system, eliminating isolated signal controllers.
  • Reduce emissions and improve quality of life along primary travel corridors, particularly during rush hours.
  • Improve safety by reducing the risk of accidents from congestion.
  • Improve safety and reduce congestion during power outages by installing uninterruptible power supplies at each signalized intersection.
  • Improve safety and reduce emergency response times by installing emergency vehicle preemption, which allows the signal to grant a green indication to approaching emergency vehicles, allowing first responders safer and quicker passage.
  • Improve safety and reduce congestion into the future by installing equipment with technology features that are compatible with connected and autonomous vehicles. These technologies provide an opportunity to extend the life of the City and MORPC’s investment into this essential/critical infrastructure project.

For more detailed information regarding this project or other transportation projects, visit…/access…/active-projects.

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