Special to 1808Delaware
The City of Delaware is proud to announce that participants in the City’s Electric Aggregation program saved about 35 percent on electricity for the most recent quarter.
For July, August, and September 2023, the average aggregation participant saved over 36% and between $125-$130, compared to either AEP Ohio’s or Ohio Edison’s default generation rate, according to reporting from Energy Alliances, the City’s aggregation broker.
Approximately 10,462 AEP or Ohio Edison customers are participants in the City of Delaware aggregation program, with more than $1.3M staying in the community as savings the last quarter, instead of being paid to the respective utilities.
The quarterly report and other aggregation information is viewable here.
Residents wishing to opt in or opt out may do so anytime by calling Energy Alliances at 513-794-5555 to assist with the enrollment process.