Special to 1808Delaware

The Delaware County Commissioners and Consolidated Cooperative have announced the start of a $4.9 million expansion of broadband services in the County. The project marks the next phase of an effort begun in 2023 when the Commissioners’ Office conducted a study of internet access and network infrastructure throughout Delaware County.

Areas located largely in the northwestern and north-central portions of Delaware County have been identified and will be able to connect to the expanded fiber network Consolidated Cooperative is building. Utilities provider Consolidated Cooperative is based primarily in Delaware and Morrow counties and serves more than 19,000 homes and businesses. It earned the contract for the expansion project through a competitive sealed proposals process in 2024. The company plans to contact eligible property owners via mail and with door-hanger notifications.

The project is being funded with the County’s American Rescue Plan Act monies, which were allocated to local governments in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. This funding for broadband projects is limited to providing service to unserved and underserved areas.

Barb Lewis, president of this year’s Board of Commissioners, noted: “We are very pleased to see this project taking tangible form now. So many more families, especially in the rural parts of the county, will finally be able to connect to high-speed internet from their homes and farms, rather than having to travel someplace else to access it.”

Consolidated President and CEO Phil Caskey said: “For almost 90 years, Consolidated has been finding ways to bring safe, affordable and reliable services to areas where for-profit providers either can’t or won’t — at least not at reasonable prices. What’s especially rewarding for us is the opportunity to continue our long-standing partnership with a forward-thinking community like Delaware County. Consolidated was built by our members and exists to serve them, so when our communities thrive, we thrive, too.” 

Commissioner Jeff Benton said, “Today, fiber is a critical utility that is used by everyone. Even here in Delaware County we have areas that will now get good coverage, thanks to this initiative.”

Commissioner Gary Merrell added: “Our goal is to put Delaware County in a position for future growth. Much of the northern and rural areas do not currently have the level of service they need, and this will fulfill a commitment we made as we continue to advance our county.”

For more information about Delaware County, please go to: https://co.delaware.oh.us/. For more information about Consolidated Cooperative, go to: https://www.consolidated.coop/.

Source: Delaware County; Image by Kiều Trường from Pixabay

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