The Delaware Buckeyes have selected to support the My Very Own Blanket program.
MVOB provides a blanket to each child in the foster care system. In recognition of Ohio State’s 150th anniversary, the Buckeyes will be assembling 150 blankets to donate. The blankets will remain in the Delaware County area.
Blanket assembly requires using a template to cut the fringe and tie two pieces of fabric together. No previous experience is required, and anyone from age 10 and up are welcome to volunteer. Each blanket takes up to 2 hours to assemble so we’ll need 15-18 volunteers for each volunteer session.
We have four assembly dates scheduled and you can sign-up for one, two or all four. They will provide the blanket kits and scissors – you supply the hands.
The first aseembly date is scheduled for this Sunday, January 26 from Noon until 2PM at the Berkshire Township Hall, 1454 Rome Corners Road in Galena.
You can register to participate here.