By: 1808Delaware Staff

The City of Delaware wants to know what you think about its parks.

In specific, the goal is to obtain your opinions so that the City can develop recreation and park priorities. To that end, it has developed both a written and online survey.

At its meeting on April 15, Parks and Natural Resources Director Ted Miller told Delaware City Council that parks and trains remain open, while all playgrounds and indoor facilities are closed. In terms of spring sports, soccer, baseball, softball, and lacrosse have all been cancelled, as have events such as the Easter Egg Hunt and Safety Town.

Miller shared results of a review of other US cities, noting that Delaware’s closures are typical of most communities. Summer activities and sports are now being reviewed, and will depend on the state of social distancing mandates at that time.

Lastly, the Director shared that 2,000 recreation surveys are hitting mailboxes in Delaware this week. Returning those surveys will assist in parks and recreation programming. To be valid, at least 400 need to be returned, which can be done both via mail and online.

The process to develop goals for Delaware’s parks began in 2019, and the City is using ETC Institute, a national research firm, as its partner in the process. Results will be reported back to the community.

That online survey is now available to be completed at this location online. It is estimated to take only 15 minutes to finish.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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