We’re different than those other news sites. Here at 1808Delaware, we engage in community-based journalism.
What is community-based journalism, you ask? It’s journalism that places you, the reader, at the forefront of everything we do. We’re the only ones doing this type of work in the area and you are the direct beneficiary.
These are the hallmarks of community journalism:
Our primary content is free to read, as we do not build paywalls to keep people out.
We are not tied to large corporations or media chains. This gives us independence in content, and allows us to share as much information as possible with our readers.
We tell stories that are often ignored about people and places that are sometimes forgotten, including about Delaware County’s rich past and how that past can forge a bright future.
Importantly, every day we share with you links to the best stories from all local media. Other media share only their own content, while we direct our readers to who any source that publishes informative content.
These hallmarks make us the ideal place to become informed about the communities of Delaware County each day.
To remain independent, free to read, and to put you first, we rely almost entirely on donations from our readers. Your contributions not only keep the lights on; they allow us to compensate our writers, to invest meaningfully in our work and our research, and pursue our mission to make our readers the best-informed in the area.
We ask that you consider supporting local journalism in Delaware County by becoming a Newsroom Partner at just $5 per month.
1808Delaware is a hyperlocal digital media site providing news, information, and feature stories focusing on Delaware County and Delaware Countians.
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Super Delaware!
— After six month’s support, 1808Delaware will donate $30 in advertising to go to a nonprofit organization of your choice
— Permission to use photos from the 1808Delaware archives – contact us for details
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