A new experience is coming to Delaware County in the coming days.

Urban Float will soon be opening on Worthington Road in Westerville, and specifically in the Westar Neighborhood Retail Center.

Urban Float is a flotation therapy spa where guests float in purified water and epsom salt in order to produce lasting physical, mental and emotional benefits. Physical benefits promoted by the company include relief from every day aches and pains, reduction of chronic muscle pain and tension, and improved sleep quality; mental benefits include the improvement of mental focus and mindfulness. Emotional benefits of floating include a decrease in anxiety and increased optimism.[widgets_on_pages id=1]

Floating allows you to rest in a private, sensory-managed float pod for a 60-minute session. Guests float in purified water & 1,200 pounds of epsom salt to deliver proven physical, mental and emotional benefits.

Currently, Urban Float has open facilities in Houston, Texas; Seattle and Vancouver Washington; and Renton, Virginia. The Westerville site will be the chain’s first in the Midwest.

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