The Delaware County Board of Commissioners is currently seeking to appoint a Delaware County representative to the Delaware County Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Trustees to fill an unexpired term. The mission of this board is to promote tourism and attract visitors and conventions to Delaware County. This Board consists of eleven (11) members who each serve a three (3) year term.  The term for this member will commence on November 1 and will expire December 31, 2021.

As a member of the Delaware County Convention and Visitors Bureau, you will assist in the following:

  • Establish goals and policies;
  • Develop and update long range plans of the Bureau;
  • Monitor plans, programs, and committees to implement goals, policies and the long range planning;
  • Provide for financial stability for the Bureau;
  • Select and evaluate the Executive Director; and
  • Evaluates all phases of the Bureau and its performance

 Interested individuals can apply by using Delaware County’s online application portal. It can be accessed at For any questions regarding this application procedure, please contact Dana Bushong, Delaware County Human Resources, 740-833-2129 or [email protected].

Completed Board Appointment applications must be received through the Applicant Tracking portal no later than 11:59 PM on September 24.

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