By 1808Delaware

The Delaware County Engineer’s Office has published a list of road and transportation-related projects across the county which are scheduled to be done in the 2021-2022 construction season.

Due to limited space, projects under $250,000 or with road closures less than two weeks are not listed. For road construction projects located on State or U.S. routes, or within city limits, please visit

In two previous installments which readers can access here and here, we published the list of projects for the current construction year. Today, we finish this review by looking at projected projects for the 2022-2023 season.

2022 Countywide Pavement Resurfacing
Summer/Fall 2022
Investment – $10 million County, Townships & OPWC

Asphalt resurfacing, micro-surfacing, chip sealing, crack sealing, berm repair, pavement marking and other work on various county and township roads.

Berlin Station and Braumiller Intersection (2022)
Summer/Fall 2022
Berlin Twp.
Investment: $1.7 million County Road & Bridge Funds

Replacement of a large culvert at the intersection and minor widening of pavement to the east of the intersection.

Berlin Station and Piatt Road Intersection (2022)
Summer/Fall 2022
Berlin Twp.
Investment: $1.6 million – County Road & Bridge Funds

New single-lane modern roundabout. Full closure for up to 2 months with posted detour.

U.S. 36 & Carter’s Corner Road Intersection (2022-23)
Summer/Fall 2022
Berkshire Twp.
Investment: $1.2 million ODOT & County

New left turn lanes on U.S. 36 and Carter’s Corner Road. Traffic maintained on U.S. 36 with 2-4 week closures of Carter’s Corner and Domigan Roads.

Worthington & Lewis Center Intersection (2022)
Summer/Fall 2022
Genoa Twp.
Investment: $2.0 million – ODOT & County

New single-lane modern roundabout. Full closure for up to 2 months with posted detour.

Sawmill Road & Presidential Intersection (2022-23)
Summer/Fall 2022
Liberty Township/Powell
Investment: $850,000 – Liberty Township, Powell & County; $500,000 – ODOT

New single-lane modern roundabout. Full closure for up to 2 months with posted detour.

Home Road Extension & Lewis Center Intersection (2022-23)
Fall 2022-Summer 2023
Orange Twp.
Investment: $1.5 million – County/Developer

New single-lane hybrid channelized modern roundabout. Traffic maintained on Lewis Center Road.

Steitz Road (Home to Hyatts) (2022-23)
Fall 2022-Summer 2023
Liberty Twp.
Investment: $2 million County; $500,000 Developers

Minor pavement and shoulder widening, safety and drainage improvements. One-way operation maintained during construction for about 3 months.

Visit for more information and additional future projects.

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