By 1808Delaware

The Delaware County Board of Commissioners held a meeting on August 14; the session included various resolutions, discussions, and a final hearing on a significant drainage improvement project.

Resolutions and Financial Matters

Several resolutions were passed, including:

  • Approving Purchase Orders and Payments: Resolution 23-668 approved purchase orders, certificates, and payments of warrants.
  • Changing Session Location and Schedule: Resolutions 23-669 and 23-670 changed the location of the September 18 session to the Delaware County Fairgrounds and canceled sessions on specific dates in September and October.
  • Delegating Authority and Accepting Treasurer’s Report: Resolution 23-671 delegated temporary authority to the County Administrator, and 23-672 accepted the treasurer’s report for July 2023, highlighting a good year for interest income.
  • Authorizing Procurement Card and Setting Bid Date: Resolutions 23-673 and 23-675 authorized the use of a procurement card for the Emergency Medical Services Department and set the bid date for a wastewater facility project.

Drainage Improvement Project Hearing

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to the final hearing for The Village at Harvest Wind Condominiums drainage Improvement project. The project was presented in detail, including the timeline, cost estimates, and engineers’ recommendations. The assessments for the project were discussed, and the commissioners affirmed the order for the project, expressing sympathy for the water problems faced by the residents and confidence in the solution.

Miscellaneous Matters and Executive Session

Other topics discussed included:

  • Film Filming Locations and Fees: A discussion about filming locations and fees for a low-budget film, with a decision to charge a $125 fee.
  • Appointing Members to Tax Incentive Review Councils: Resolution 23-677 appointed new members to the councils.
  • Transportation Improvement and Mobile Refrigerated Van: Updates on the transportation Improvement District board meeting and the unveiling of a mobile refrigerated van for people in need.

The session concluded with a resolution to enter into an executive session for consideration of promotion, compensation, and collective bargaining.

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