Special to 1808Delaware

Good record keeping has qualified the City of Delaware for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction for its 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).

This award is presented for excellence in financial reporting and compliance with all applicable laws for the fiscal year ended in 2019.

“Your exemplary reporting serves as the standard for clean, accountable government, representing the highest level of service to Ohioans,” Auditor Keith Faber said.

The purpose of a CAFR is to be transparent about the use of taxpayers’ money and to give the public a detailed accounting of all expenditures.

“We are pleased to present this report to the residents and taxpayers of the City of Delaware,” City Finance Director Justin Nahvi said. “I would like to thank the many departments that assisted in providing information; in particular, City Accountant Rob Alger for his exemplary work on our CAFR each year.”

The 2019 CAFR can be read at delawareohio.net.

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