By 1808Delaware, City of Delaware

City of Delaware crews have been hard at work over the last 36 to 48 hours dealing with everything that Winter Storm Landon had to share with the area.

Crews and supervisors met on Friday night to review the work accomplished to date. Afterward, they shared the following information on social media:

  • Over the first 36 hours of this weather event, City trucks traveled more than 4,600 miles – that’s more than a round-trip drive from Delaware to Los Angeles, California, and back again.
  • • 11 plow truck drivers are on duty tonight. We will continue 24 hr. coverage until all roads are clear.
  • Some good progress – and welcome sunshine! – to report from today: Snow crews were able to start working on Priority 3 residential neighborhood streets.
  • Priority 3’s residential: Our Day Shift completed streets in Monday’s refuse collection route and the Night Shift will finish up Tuesday’s collection area. Night Shift will then move onto Wednesday, Thursday and Friday routes, and Saturday’s Day Shift will likely complete the Priority 3s.
  • Cul de sacs: Monday and a majority of Tuesday’s refuse route cul de sacs have been treated/plowed. Night Shift will finish up Tuesday’s refuse route and continue onto Wednesday’s route, and so forth.
  • Parked vehicles: With the amount of snow, it is especially critical that vehicles be moved out of the street so our plow trucks can provide curb to curb service.
  • Downtown: Centerline snow rows will be removed on Saturday evening or Sunday.
  • Sidewalks: This weekend will be a good opportunity to make sure sidewalks are clear of snow and ice. In Delaware, property owners are responsible for keeping sidewalks clean. This ensures safety for all, particularly your neighbors and children walking to school and bus stops.

General information about City of Delaware snow and ice removal can be found here:

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