By 1808Delaware

During the regular meeting of Delaware City Council on Monday evening, held via Webex and Facebook Live, Council heard three reports focusing on different aspects of city business and community life.

We will look at these reports in two installments. Today, we begin with the report from City Manager Tom Homan, which included three distinct topics.

DORA — First, Homan approached Council as to their views on a possible extension of the current DORA (Downtown Outdoor Refreshment Area) to the end of December. The idea was first discussed by Council back in May (see link to our story below), and the City proceeded to apply for a DORA permit pursuant to the ordinance passed in 2017.

Council Supports Giving DORA Expansion “A Shot”

Homan noted that the DORA is currently working well with positive feedback. The only possible change would relatee to the 10 PM closing time, and how that meshes with the State of Ohio’s current guidelines on alcohol sales and consumption.

Council members seemed supportive of extending the date, however some discussion took place about that closing time and how best to change in a way that would allow for flexibility depending on future variations in state guidelines. City Attorney Darren Shulman shared that he would check the original ordinance to determine whether or not legislative action would be required to modify.

Regional Housing Strategy — The City has been involved in discussion on housing issues in central Ohio, and a meeting will take place in the coming days on recommendations that are being advanced. This is an area that will have a great deal of local impact, Homan noted.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion — Kyle Kridler, Assistant City Manager, discussed the creation of an in-house Working Group to move forward this discussion. Interest was shared from 13 City employees across departments, and in initial meeting has been set for next month.

The first task, Kridler said, will be goal setting. An external consultant is still the plan, and the Working Groujp will assist in creation of the RFP for that position.

On Wednesday, we will continue with reports from the Delaware General Health District and from Main Street Delaware, the latter discussing the possible move of farmers markets from the Fairgrounds to downtown.

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