By 1808Delaware

The new Recreation Program Superintendent for the City of Delaware was introduced to members of City Council during their Monday night meeting, but in some ways it was like coming home.

Mike Hamer, who was introduced by Ted Miller, Parks and Natural Resources Director, worked for the City of Delaware in the early 2000s.

Hamer has a background in aquatics management and recreation. He previously served as the Assistant Director of Aquatics and Community Programs at The Ohio State University. He helped to run campus pools, run camps, and run recreation programming.

“I am happy to be back,” Hamer shared with Council, and told them that he was currently operating out of Mingo Park.

Councilwoman Lisa Keller asked the new Superintendent about the possibility of baseball activity this year, saying that she had been receiving citizen inquires on that topic. Hamer responded that he had been getting information together, and had already had two meetings with interested parties, one about baseball and another about softball. Baseball will return, he said.

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