By 1808Delaware, City of Delaware news release

City officials in Delaware are looking forward to starting the new year in newly renovated space.

City Hall renovation progress continues, literally, from the ground up. Work on the 83-year-old municipal building’s basement and first floor spaces is close to completion, while the second-floor makeover commenced this month.

The project began in July to coincide with the building already being closed to public access because of the pandemic. The work is expected to be complete in late January 2021, about five weeks later than planned because of pandemic-related delays.

The updates are the building’s first in nearly 30 years and address four critical areas: safety and security; public access and customer service; mechanical systems; and workspaces.

The building remains closed to public access; however, some staff have returned to temporary workspace in the nearly complete first floor. When finished and pending pandemic protocols, City Hall will host nearly 40 employees in five departments. Until then, City Council meetings will continue remotely.

The Finance Department, which includes Income Tax and Utility Billing, will remain in temporary space at Mingo Park. Other City Hall departments and staffers are working from home.

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