Expansion plans for two buildings will be considered on Wednesday evening by the City of Delaware Planning Commission.

Leading the evening’s agenda will be a request by Delaware City Schools for approval of a Preliminary and Final Development Plan for an expansion of Schultz Elementary School, located at 499 Applegate Lane.

According to information filed with the request for approval, Schultz Elementary School was constructed in 1994, and the new expansion would add 16,662 square feet to the building. In connection with the larger school, a new bus drop-off road would be added north of Penick Avenue extension through the middle of the school site, which would run from a new connection road between the Delaware Meadows subdivision and the Sunnyview Farms subdivision.

The project would result in the removal of one tree while preserving 12 other trees; additional trees would be added to meet City code. An evergreen buffering area would also be installed.

Staff has recommended approval of the request with some 11 conditions relating to trees, engineering approvals, and other matters.

In the second project to be considered, the Commission will look at approving a Development Plan exception for expansion of the VFW Building at 481 South Sandusky Street. The addition would represent a 1,615 square foot expansion on the current 3,220 square foot building constructed in 1964 and remodeled in 1989.

The proposed use would be as a bingo hall.

Planning Commission review is required because the Director of Planning and Community Development has determined the project to be a minor alteration to an existing building, which in turn requires Commission approval for the project to proceed. Staff is also recommending approval with conditions.

Two other agenda items include a request from Westport Homes for an Amended Preliminary Subdivision Plat approval, and requests from Medrock LLC for approval of Final Subdivision Plats for Willowbrook Section 3.

The Commission will meet at 6:30 PM in Council Chambers, located at 1 South Sandusky Street.

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