Just as with cities and villages in Delaware County, townships provide opportunities for “average” citizens to become better acquainted with the workings of local government.
In Genoa Township, that specifically means operations of the its Fire and Police Departments.

According to the Township website, the offerings include:

Citizen Police Academy — The cohort meets for two hours once each week for eight weeks to explore topics such as patrol procedures, tacitcal team, live fire exercises (“Taser”, handguns, shotguns, and rifles), narcotics and O.V.I. testing, jail tour, and K9 unit.

Citizen Fire Academy – Participants discover how the Fire Department prepares for and responds to emergencies as well as learn how to survive in emergencies. It is not intended to make citizens into firefighters. The experience is educational, fun, and, at times, challenging.

Application links are below:


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