Recently three new members were welcomed to serve on the board of directors for the Delaware County Historical Society. Elected by Society members at the DCHS Annual Meeting, held November 2021, all were voted to serve a three-year term from 2022 to 2024.

New board member, Becky Cornett, Ph.D., is a retired health care administrator, and community volunteer leader. She has been involved with the DCHS for several years as a gardening volunteer as well as writing featured articles in the last two issues of The Historian newsletter.

Brenda Eldridge, JD, has an extensive background in many areas of software development with a focus on quality assurance. She earned a BA in Computer Science/Business Management from Luther College and a Graduate degree in Business/Computer Law from Capital University. She is a licensed attorney in the State of Ohio.

Also elected was Nancy Reger, the retired Director of Data and Mapping at Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission. She earned a BS in Agriculture and a Master of City and Regional Planning, both from The Ohio State University. Nancy has been a member of the Delaware County Historical Society since 2018 and is currently Chairperson of the Collection Subcommittee.

Outgoing board members include Susan Garrett, Roger Koch, and President Emeritus Brent Carson who were recognized for their years of service to the Delaware County Historical Society. Carson will continue to serve in his Emeritus status.

Two incumbent board members were re-elected to serve an additional three year term. These include retired CEO, Michael Butler. His professional experience includes finance, strategic planning, and strategic vision. He is currently serving on the boards of the YMCA and the Delaware County District Library. He previously served on the Alpha Board in Delaware and the Kent State University Advisory Board. He also volunteered with the Walk with a Doc program in Central Ohio and Salvation Army Christmas Cheer. His volunteer experience includes SourcePoint, delivering for Meals on Wheels, and the Friends of the Delaware County District Library.

Also reelected was David Hejmanowski who currently serves as Judge of the Probate/Juvenile Division of the Delaware Court of Common Pleas. David received his JD degree from the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. He also served as the Juvenile Court Administrator. He has extensive experience serving on boards for the Andrew House (2012-1015), the Central Ohio Symphony (2009-present), Arena Fair (2017-present), and the Strand Theater (2018-present).

Officers were elected at the January board meeting and include President – David Hejmanowski, Executive Vice President – Jack Hilborn, Vice President of Development – Margaret Duber Snyder, Secretary – Alice Frazier and Karen Cowan, Vice President of Board Operations – Karen Cowan, and Treasurer – Ralph Au.

The Delaware County Historical Society is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote, preserve and sustain interest in the history of Delaware County. The Barn at Stratford is operated by DCHS as an event venue for weddings, corporate meetings, and other special occasions. To learn more, visit the venue and society websites at and

Source: Delaware County Historical Society; Photo: 1808Delaware

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