1808Delaware has expanded our coverage to highlight attractions and events within easy driving distance of Delaware Countians in a series called “In Our Backyard.” This is in addition to our regular coverage of Delaware County happenings.

Certainly, some Delaware Countians have been to Otherworld. Others will have no idea what we are talking about.

It is for the latter group that we share news of a new entertainment venue in Columbus, one that defies conventional descriptions.

Let’s start out with numbers. Try these on for size: 32,000 square feet, 40 artists, 47 rooms, 54 projectors, and 190,000 LED lights. It is descibed this way on its website:

“Otherworld is a 32,000 square foot immersive art installation in Columbus. Mysteries unfold as you explore over 40 rooms filled with large-scale interactive art, mixed reality playgrounds and secret passageways. It’s an all new kind of art experience where visitors are encouraged to freely explore and interact with a surreal world of science fiction and fantasy.”

It’s the kind of place that some call “trippy,” and others “surreal.” The emphasis is on art blended with technology. Many of the installations are interactive, and secret passageways and spaces abound.

Otherworld is located at 5819 Chantry Drive on the east side of Columbus — right off of Brice Road, south of I-70 East, and east of I-270. For more information, including hours and ticket prices, visit the Otherworld website here.

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