By: 1808Delaware Staff
we’re continuing our weekly look at unique events and attractions that are within an easy driving distance of Delaware County. We call these “Summer Road Trips.” Of course, we regularly feature the many extraordinary places to visit right here in Delaware County and encourage our readers to get out and experience what is on offer in our own backyard.
Ohio’s State Parks are open, and Malabar Farm State Park has activities available for those who want to get outside and explore.
Malabar’s Summer Treasure Hunt Challenge combines that exploration with discovering a new hidden gem each week. Here are the rules:
- A photo and description of a hidden gem will be posted on their Facebook page every Friday morning, along with a few helpful hints.
- At your leisure, locate the hidden gem, take a picture of it (be creative) and post your photo in the comments.
- Share this post on your Facebook page and tag 2 adventurous friends.
- Remember that the park is open from dawn until dusk, littering is frowned upon, and you are asked to practice social distancing and safety precautions.
The contest runs through Labor Day and a lucky winner will have one of their awesome photos featured in the Malabar Farm 2021 Calendar.
The current challenge involves a search for a large, flat rock on Mount Jeez. Details are here.
Good luck!