1808Delaware has expanded our coverage to highlight attractions and events within easy driving distance of Delaware Countians in a series called “In Our Backyard.” This will be in addition to our regular coverage of Delaware County happenings.

Today, we’re sharing information about the inaugural 2020 Columbus Winter Wine Festival taking place on Saturday, February 29 at Brewmaster’s Gate, 495 South Front Street in Columbus. The event, designed to showcase Ohio wines, will benefit the children’s’ charity CD102.5 for the Kids.

The day-long celebration will feature artisan exhibits, food trucks, specialty food items, live musical entertainment, and — of course — wine sampling. Each ticket, available at the gate for $35, qualifies you for 10 wine sampling tickets and a commemerative wine sampling.

The event is broken up into two sessions: Session One from 12 PM to 4 PM, and Session Two from 4 PM to 8 PM.

Wine brands will include: Piper Sonoma, Oberon, Crios, Spellbound, Bread and Butter, Jelly Car, Sunday Funday, Noble Vines, Zach Brown, Santa Rita, Gnarly Head, Tribute, Imagery, Benziger, Joel Gott, Charles & Charles, Three Pears, Unshackled, Oyster Bay, Georges Dubeouf, Ferrari Carano, New Age

Due to the nature of this event, guests must be 21 years of age and to participate in the tastings. Guests will be required to provide a government-issued photo at our ticket booths. Guests without an ID will not be permitted to taste.

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