By: 1808Delaware Staff

During the periods of the COVID-19 pandemic so far, including Stay-at-Home, and now Responsible Restart Ohio, Delaware Countians have been exhausting opportunities to explore both online and also in nature.

The fact that so many places to eat, shop, and play are still closed or open with limitations at a time when the weather is turning warmer can seem a difficult combination. That’s why 1808Delaware expanded our “In Our Backyard” posts to include information about virtual visits to museums, scenic vistas, and other locations.

This time we’re mixing that up a bit by acquainting you with an outstanding collection of online events. The great folks at Experience Columbus have put together an ongoing list of experiences available from Central Ohio people and institutions. Learn to weave or to cook; take a guided tour of art installations; listen to music; watch independent films; the sky’s the limit.

As shared on the COVID-19 Virtual Events page, “Luckily, the people of Columbus continue to rally and create innovative, fun ways to keep the community engaged during this time. Find a plethora of virtual and web-based local experiences that will keep you educated, in-shape and entertained.”

They’re almost all free, too!

You can access the site here.

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