SourcePoint recently approved $615,792 in grant funding for 18 senior service programs in Delaware County. SourcePoint provides annual funding to other nonprofit organizations as a cost-effective, efficient way to address the needs of local seniors. Each year, the board of directors reviews grant applications and selects those organizations that fill service gaps in the community, providing valuable services to older adults.

Those awarded grants for 2019 include the Alpha Group, the Alzheimer’s Association, Catholic Social Services, Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging, Common Ground Free Store, Delaware Area Transit Agency, Delaware County Juvenile Court, Delaware County Probate Court, Delaware Speech and Hearing Center, Drug-Free Delaware, Family Promise of Delaware County, Grace Clinic, HelpLine of Delaware and Morrow Counties, the Legal Aid Society of Columbus, Lutheran Social Services, the Ohio Health Foundation, and People In Need. [widgets_on_pages id=1]


The Alpha Group
$5,000 to support adult day programming for older adults with developmental disabilities.

The Alzheimer’s Association
$51,000 to provide supportive services, including the social engagement club,24-hour support line, and home consultations to individuals and caregivers facing Alzheimer’s or a related dementia diagnosis.

Catholic Social Services
$35,000 for the Senior Companion Program to prevent social isolation among homebound older adults.

Central OhioArea Agency on Aging
$10,000 for the Volunteer Guardian Program, which advocates for the rights of those unable to do so themselves.

Common Ground Free Store
$10,000 to support general operating expenses and the purchase of personal care items for low-income seniors.

Delaware Area Transit Agency
$201,168 to support local public transportation, including fixed routes and paratransit services.

Delaware County Juvenile and Probate Court
$9,791 to support supervisors of the juvenile court suspension alternative program, which offers community service by completing various chores for older adults, and $10,000 for the guardianship monitoring program to improve oversight to nonfamilial guardians responsible for the most vulnerable of the population age 55 and older.

Delaware Speechand Hearing Center
$83,800 to expand and enhance direct hearing and speech services to older adults and their families.

Drug-Free Delaware
$6,500 to support the WISE program, intended to educate participants on physical changes associated with aging in an effort to decrease likelihood of drug abuse, misuse, and alcoholism among older adults.

Family Promiseof Delaware County
$2,500 to fund the operating costs of housing homeless older adults in the local shelter.

Grace Clinic
$30,000 to expand the availability of low-cost health care by increasing operating hours and services to rural areas.

HelpLine ofDelaware and Morrow Counties
$45,000 for continued support of the Connections Volunteer Center, and $37,500 to support site management and local supervision of the Senior Companion Program.

The Legal Aid Society of Columbus
$7,000 to support low-cost legal assistance to older adults.

Lutheran Social Services
$15,000 for direct-food purchases for older adults at the local food bank.

The OhioHealth Foundation
$26,533 for the Driver Rehabilitation for Instruction and Vehicle Education (DRIVE) program intended to improve driver safety.

People In Need
$30,000 in emergency financial assistance to older adults, including prescription, utility, and rent assistance.

SourcePoint is the primary source of professional expertise, services, and programs for Delaware County adults who want to thrive after 55. We can point in the right direction by providing direct assistance as well as referrals.

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