By 1808Delaware

As 2021 continues, we are now reaching the point where the time  annual events which were cancelled in 2020 are rolling around again.

In the case of the Maple Fest taking place at Camp Lazarus, the 2021 version is a “go.

This year’s version takes place on Saturday, March 6 and Saturday, March 13., from 9 AM to 4 PM both days.

Maple candy and a limited supply of hand-crafted, Camp Lazarus maple syrup will be for sale (while supplies last). A fan favorite, Liberty Kettle Corn is returning and the Fest is welcoming The Funnel Cake Station this year.

Be sure to dress for the weather as most of our activities are outside, and don’t forget to wear a mask.

The $5 Pancake Feast will be served in the dining hall all day with pancakes, maple syrup, sausage links, and drinks. Hot dogs and chips are available in the afternoon. Meals are not included with regular festival admission.

Cost for admission is $20 for pre-registration (includes one meal and patch), or $15 at the door (does not include meal or patch).

Camp Lazarus is located at 4422 Columbus Pike in Delaware.

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