March begins the start of ozone monitoring season – a time when air pollution can reach unhealthy levels for sensitive groups of individuals. The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) is part of a network of agencies across the country that issues daily air quality forecasts and notifies the public when these levels become a threat to public health.

“Air quality is key to the health of our communities in Central Ohio,” said MORPC Chief Regional Strategy Officer and Senior Director of Planning Dr. Kerstin Carr. “By signing up to receive Air Quality Alerts, residents – especially those who are sensitive to pollution like children and people with asthma – can take action to protect their health as temperatures and pollution levels begin to rise.”

Central Ohio experiences higher levels of ozone pollution during the warmer, spring and summer months. Ground-level ozone is a gas produced when emissions from vehicles, lawn equipment and industry combine in the presence of sunlight. MORPC also monitors particle pollution, a mixture of solids and liquid droplets in the air, from sources including car and truck exhaust, electrical power plants, and industrial facilities.

MORPC uses the Air Quality Index (AQI) to inform the public about daily ozone and particle pollution levels in Central Ohio. The AQI scale runs from 0 to 300 — the higher the AQI value, the greater the health concern. When levels register above 100, air quality is considered to be unhealthy for sensitive groups, which includes people with respiratory and heart disease, children, and older adults. MORPC issues an Air Quality Alert to the public when pollution levels are forecasted to reach 101 or higher.

Sensitive groups are more likely to suffer an increase in the number and severity of symptoms during an Air Quality Alert. Individuals who are active outdoors should be aware of respiratory or cardiovascular effects resulting from unhealthy air including coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. To decrease the potential for health problems, individuals in the sensitive groups are urged to limit prolonged outdoor exertion. Exposure to air pollution can be reduced by conducting strenuous outdoor activities in the morning when pollution levels are generally lower.

“With the Central Ohio region’s anticipated growth and development, it’s more important than ever to elevate clean air solutions that support the health and quality of life for our residents while reducing transportation and energy costs,” said MORPC’s Sustainability Officer Brandi Whetstone. “Local mobility providers and programs, such as MORPC’s Gohio Commute program, Downtown C-pass, and Smart Columbus all help in keeping harmful pollutants out of the air.

To help to reduce emissions contributing to air pollution, residents are encouraged to choose alternative modes of transportation such as carpooling, biking, walking, or taking the bus. With MORPC’s Gohio Commute available at, residents can explore the many commuting options available in Central Ohio. Other simple actions to take for air quality include not idling vehicles, refueling vehicles in the evening hours, and avoiding the use of gas-powered lawn equipment on Air Quality Alert days.

To learn more about MORPC’s Air Quality Program or to sign up for alerts, visit or by calling MORPC’s toll-free air quality hotline at 1.888.666.1009. English and Spanish language options are available. Those who wish to sign up for notifications through ALERT Franklin County can visit

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