Special to 1808Delaware

The City of Delaware has earned the Government Finance Officers Association’s prestigious Triple Crown Award for the first time ever. It recognizes governments that have received GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award within the same fiscal year.

“The Triple Crown designation for 2021 reporting represents a significant achievement in meeting the high standards of all three separate award programs for producing reports that communicate their financial stories in a transparent manner and meet applicable standards,” the GFOA said.

Delaware is one of only eight municipal Triple Crown winners in Ohio.

“Our team is very proud to have been awarded the Triple Crown,” Director of Finance Rob Alger said. “This award highlights the ongoing efforts of the entire Finance Department to increase transparency and provide meaningful resources to residents about the financial position of their government.”

Alycia Ballone, Director of Budget, Management & Procurement, said the recognition reflects Delaware’s goals of transparency and quality in financial reporting. “Transparency is critical for our residents so they can better understand where the City receives revenues and how those funds are spent,” she said.

The three awards included in the Triple Crown honor are:

Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting recognizes governments who achieve the goal of preparing annual comprehensive financial reports that show transparency and full disclosure.

Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award honors governments that extract information from their annual comprehensive financial report to produce high-quality popular annual financial reports specifically designed to be readily accessible and easily understandable to the public and other interested parties.

Distinguished Budget Presentation Award recognizes governments who prepare budget documents of the very highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s best practices.

City of Delaware financial reports are accessible via the City’s website.

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