By 1808Delaware

This story was updated on Monday morning. The following has been posted on the City website:

Due to unseasonably warm temperatures and lack of rainfall, the City of Delaware is experiencing record water demands – and more dry weather is in the immediate forecast. Demand is exceeding the water pumping capacity. If this trend continues, the system will lose pressure and service.

We must immediately reduce demand to avoid loss of service, so we can continue to provide uninterrupted water service for both the health and safety of our residents.

Effective immediately, the City of Delaware is implementing the following rules to conserve water.

  • Suspend ALL outdoor watering through Wednesday night (6/7/2023)
  • Starting Thursday, June 8, 2023, outdoor watering is restricted to every other day (even/odd dates based on whether your address ends with even/odd number)

These conservation practices are in effect until further notice. We appreciate our water customers’ understanding and patience in reducing outdoor water usage.

Between 1.5 and 2 million more gallons of water a day are being used as the prolonged dry spell has continued, a 50 percent increase in total system demand.

The City of Delaware closed its splash pad on Monday to help lessen demand. The City’s Hidden Valley Golf Course is irrigated by its own underground well and is not impacted.

On Sunday afternoon, the City of Delaware Public Utilities Department shared the following announcement on its Facebook Page:

“The prolonged hot and dry weather is causing increased lawn watering, and the City of Delaware water treatment plant and distribution network are experiencing high usage levels. If you water your lawn, we are requesting that you do it every other day based on your address number. If your address ends in an even number, water on even numbered dates. If your address ends in an odd number, water on odd numbered dates. We appreciate your help and understanding.”

Lawn watering tips:

• Most lawns need only 1 inch of water per week, either from rain or manual watering, to provide green and healthy grass.

• It can be detrimental to your lawn to be overwatered or watered every day.

• Avoid watering grass on a hot afternoon, the best time to water grass is at dawn or early in the evening. Excessive evaporation during midday heat reduces the quantity of water that actually reaches plant roots.

This is the expected weather for Delaware County over the next four days:

Monday: Clear sky with a maximum temperature of 79.05°F and a minimum of 51.58°F. Humidity will be around 59%. Wind speed will be around 13.47 mph.

Tuesday: Overcast clouds with a maximum temperature of 73.9°F and a minimum of 49.64°F. Humidity will be around 40%. Wind speed will be around 8.86 mph.

Wednesday: Light rain with a maximum temperature of 74.66°F and a minimum of 53.83°F. Humidity will be around 52%. Wind speed will be around 11.77 mph.

Thursday: Overcast clouds with a maximum temperature of 69.53°F and a minimum of 47.17°F. Humidity will be around 42%. Wind speed will be around 10.71 mph.

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