The closure of Ohio schools because of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the decreased traffic resulting from an order requiring Ohioans to stay at home unless working for an essential business, have actually combined to provide an opportunity for the schedule on an important project to be moved forward.

Accelerated construction will be taking place on the East William Street Project in Delaware, with the contractor undertaking more daily work hours.

New cubs will be installed from April 6-10, a new concrete road base will also be installed.from April 13-17.

Project information for the $6.450 million project has the following objectives, according to the City of Delaware website:

  • Widening East William Street from Richardson to Foley Street to accommodate a center turn lane allowing thru traffic to be separated from left turning vehicles.
  • Replacement of the pedestrian bridge over William Street at Lake Street to accommodate a wider intersection with improved turning radii and sight distance, specifically for large truck movements.
  • Reconfiguration of the Channing-Ann Street signal to a Channing-Cheshire traffic signal. The new arrangement will accommodate side street movements from Channing and Cheshire Street as well as pedestrian movements associated with the adjacent Conger Elementary school.
  • New curbs, sidewalks and street lighting.
Photo: Creative Commons License

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