The SAFE Delaware County coalition will kick off its annual Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign on Thursday, August 15 at 10:30 AM at MC Fitness Center, 7100 Graphics Way in Lewis Center.

This year, the kick-off event will feature Delaware County Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel along with Lt. Eric Caudill of the Ohio State Highway Patrol Delaware Post. Prosecutor Schiffel will speak on impaired driver convictions while Lt. Caudill will touch on the importance of driving sober after an OSP Trooper was hit by a drunk driver in July.

The enforcement campaign ( August 14 – September 2, 2019) coincides with the 2019 Labor Day holiday weekend, which is one of the deadliest times of the year for drunk-driving fatalities. State and local law enforcement agencies across the nation are stepping-up enforcement to put an end to drunk driving, showing zero tolerance to save lives.

So far this year, alcohol impairment has been responsible for two of the six traffic deaths in Delaware County. In 2018, 42% of traffic fatalities were due to driver impairment involving drugs and/or alcohol.

Members of the media along with SAFE Coalition members, law enforcement representatives and county officials are invited to attend the kick-off event.


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