By 1808Delaware

When $7.7 million in criminal justice agencies across Ohio was announced this week by the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS), Delaware County was well represented among the recipients.

Local grants were obtained both from the Edward J. Bryne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant and the Violence Against Women Act grant programs.

The former grant, described by OCJS as allowing “… local and state governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime based on the needs and conditions of the jurisdictions and supports multijurisdictional drug task forces, school resource officers, drug, veteran and mental health courts, corrections projects, and justice technology initiatives in Ohio,” gave funding to:

Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center — $60,000

Violence Against Women Act grants, which target agencies working to “…reduce violence against women and administer justice for and strengthen services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking,” included the following recipient:

HelpLine of Delaware and Morrow Counties, Inc. — Two grants totaling $46,800

“These grants provide critical resources to our local government and nonprofit partners, which allow them the flexibility to use the funds in ways that best support their efforts to prevent and reduce crime and violence and serve the needs of survivors using a community-coordinated approach,” said OCJS Executive Director Karhlton Moore.

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