Special to 1808Delaware

The Delaware Community Chorus (DCC) will present its annual holiday performance on Saturday, December 2. “All Bells in Paradise” will feature carols of ancient and new, as well as a performance from the Delaware Youth Chorale. 

The chorus performs under the direction of Joshua Brodbeck. The performance will feature a piece that has become a holiday tradition for the Chorus, “O Holy Night” with soprano soloist Abby Harshbarger. Chorus accompanist Nathan Hamm will perform “Gloria in Blue” on piano, and organist James Hildreth will join the Chorus on such pieces as John Rutter’s “All Bells in Paradise,” “Behold New Joy,” and “O Holy Night.” 

The Delaware Youth Chorale returns for their second performance with the Delaware Community Chorus. The group is made up of young singers from Delaware County, ranging in age from 10 to 18. 

The two concerts will take place on Saturday, December 2 at 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. at Asbury United Methodist Church. Tickets are available for $15. 

Tickets can be purchased online at www.delawarechorus.com, through the DCC Facebook page, purchased directly from a chorus member, or purchased at the door. All students will be admitted for free. Please reserve a ticket for both students and general admission attendees.

Prospective Delaware Community Chorus and Delaware Youth Chorale members are invited to join the chorus again in 2024. Rehearsals will begin on January 22, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. and are held at Asbury United Methodist Church in Delaware, Ohio. Interested singers should reach out to [email protected] or visit www.delawarechorus.com.

Image: Delaware Community Chorus and Delaware Youth Chorale members singing. Credit No Filter Photograph

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