On Thursday, the City of Delaware made an announcement on its Facebook Page and website concerning the sale of pool memberships. It read:

“The City of Delaware Parks and Recreation Department is temporarily pausing pool membership sales. This is due to high attendance on weekends and a lack of enough lifeguards that can lead to unsafe conditions. Since May, only City of Delaware residents have been able to purchase memberships. Also, effective 6-19-21, daily fee admissions will be limited to 50 City resident guests (ID required) on weekend days.

We apologize for this action and are doing our best to remedy the situation by aggressively seeking lifeguards and offering lifeguard and lifeguard instructor classes throughout the summer. Patron safety is our highest priority. Once we can safely staff our facility, we will re-start membership sales for City residents, and allow more daily admissions. Residents can phone 740-203-1450 to be placed on a waiting list to purchase a membership.

Thank you for your patience as we work through a staffing challenge that many other Central Ohio pools also are dealing with.

For updates, phone 740-203-1450, email the department at [email protected], or visit delawareohio.net”

More details on the Jack Florance Pool can be accessed here.

Source: City of Delaware

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