By 1808Delaware

The year of uncertainty, 2020, saw the traditional Main Street Delaware-sponsored Farmers Market move to a new location, the Delaware County Fairgrounds.

A lot can change in six months. Beginning on May 22, the Market has not only returned to operation, but it has taken up space in its former home — the streets of downtown Delaware. And, while the pandemic is still a factor, the State of Ohio’s recently removed health rules will be moved to recommendations for attendees.

As always, the Main Street Farmers’ Market offers an enticing array of seasonal fresh produce, baked goods, live and cut flowers and plants, honey, and craft items including homemade soap and pottery.

This past week, that included crafted items, meat, and eggs as well!

The event will run from 9 AM to 12 Noon on Saturdays, and will also take place on Wednesday afternoons from 3 PM to 6 PM.

Up to date information on what’s on offer can be found on the Market’s own Facebook Page.

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