By 1808Delaware
As the year winds to a close, local governments are busy making plans for what comes next. In the case of the Village of Galena, that makes for a very busy Council agenda.
Some 13 resolutions and 4 ordinances will be considered by the body at a meeting on November 23 at 7:00 PM.
Ordinances under consideration deal with the use of public rights-of-way; closing streets for the annual Christmas Tree lighting; entering into a lease with The Galena Historic Foundation, Inc.; and various matters related to The Retreat at Dustin Phase I project.
Importantly, the 2021 annual budget is included on the agenda for a First Reading. Personnel matters include appointments for Village Administrator, Solicitor, Maintenance Crew Leader, and Planning and Zoning Administrative Clerk.
The meeting will be shared via Zoom. Access information is as follows:
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