By 1808Delaware

Officials in Harlem Township, the border of which lies near the site of the new Intel construction, have development on their minds.

Members of the Township Zoning Commission met this past week to focus on several issues, including development standards and procedures.

The commission, appointed by the Harlem Township Trustees, operates under Ohio Revised Code section 519, allowing the township to apply zoning to lands within its jurisdiction. This helps protect citizens from inappropriate uses of neighboring properties. Here’s a detailed look at the meeting:

Discussion on Rezoning and Parcel Adjustments

An extensive discussion took place regarding rezoning, particularly concerning R2 parcels. The intent was to ensure that new rezoning would not negatively impact existing properties. The conversation also touched on the definition of parcels, potential changes to certain zones, and the grandfathering of existing legal non-conforming properties.

Consideration of Agricultural and Roadside Sales

The participants debated the issue of roadside sales, especially related to agriculture. Concerns were raised about potential problems that might arise from current practices, and the possibility of regulating or excluding certain sales was explored.

In-Depth Review of Development Standards and Procedures

The meeting included a comprehensive review of development standards, procedures, and requirements. Key points included:

  • Consistency Across Zones: The commission sought to make language and regulations more consistent across different zones. This included aligning numbering, definitions, and requirements to ensure uniformity.
  • Simplification for Developers and Residents: Efforts were made to simplify the process for developers and residents. This included reducing redundancy in language and consolidating information to make it more accessible.
  • Community Information and Conservation Efforts: The commission discussed ways to manage community information more effectively and addressed conservation efforts, including wetlands protection and open space requirements.
  • Signage and Retail Sales Regulations: The review also covered specific topics like signage requirements and the regulation of retail sales of agricultural products, aiming to clarify and streamline these aspects of zoning.
  • Recommendations for Future Amendments: The participants agreed to work on future amendments to further align language and regulations, making them more user-friendly and reflective of community needs.

The meeting concluded with thanks and a commitment to continue working on these issues, particularly focusing on the development standards and procedures that were extensively reviewed.

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