Special to 1808Delaware

The Corn Board recently confirmed Kelly Harsh of Ohio as its newest director. Kelly grows corn and soybeans on her family operation in Delaware.

Kelly will serve a one-year term on the Corn Board, a position that opened up when Dennis McNinch resigned his seat to spend more time with his family and on his farm.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time on the board, but the demands of the farm have forced me to focus my attention on it right now. I’ve served with Kelly and know she’ll be an outstanding addition to the board,” said McNinch.

A Certified Public Accountant and crop insurance agent, she is the current president of the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association. Kelly also serves on the NCGA Ethanol Action Team, among other things.

“I am humbled and honored that the NCGA Corn Board has appointed me to serve on the board,” said Harsh. “I look forward to working hard to advance an industry that works hard to provide food, fiber and fuel for the world.”

Source, Photo: National Corn Growers Association

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