By: 1808Delaware

As the summer progresses, additional venues open to allow Delaware Countians and all Ohioans more options for enjoying the warm weather. This is certainly true for the area’s outdoor parks, where social distancing can be easily practiced.

Preservation Parks has announced the opening of additional areas to accommodate visitors.

According to their website, “As of Monday, June 29, the playgrounds at Blues Creek Park, Emily Traphagan Park and Gallant Woods Park are open. Restrooms will also be open at those parks along with Char-Mar Ridge Park, Deer Haven Park. Handicap accessible portable restrooms with hand sanitizer are available at Shale Hollow Park, Hogback Ridge Park and Gallant Farm. These portable restrooms will be sanitized several times per day and serviced regularly by our vendor. “

Other Preservation Parks locations and amenities which were previously closed will remain so. On a positive note, the website reminds visitors to Gallant Farm that while the farmhouse is closed, “…the barns will be open for visitors to peek into and they can still see the sheep and chickens and staff will still be there to interact with visitors from a safe distance.”

Image by Sebastian Ganso from Pixabay

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