The proposal to demolish a structure at 50 West William Street, and to replace the same with a new building, takes another step this Monday.

At the regular meeting of the Delaware City Council, members will consider an ordinance which would, if passed, rezone a 0.119 acre parcel at that location from B-3, Community Business District, to B-2, Central Business District.

At the same meeting, Council will look at a parallel ordinance which would approve a combined preliminary and final development plan for the new building, called the “Rice Building.”

After environmental assessments were completed, the former gas station demolition was presented to the Delaware Historic Preservation Commission. That body approved the demolition and also the design, materials, and color of the proposed Rice Building.

According to the information presented to Council, the building will be two stories in height and will retain the present nine parking spaces on North Franklin Street. The first story will initially house a boutique-style fitness center while the second floor will initially house an apartment with a private elevator and garage. There would be a total of 4,000 square feet in the Rice Building.

The new zoning will allow the building to be used for residential purposes, not allowed in a B-3 district.

The photo shows renderings of the new buildings included in the agenda for Monday’s Council meeting, which will be held at 7 PM in the City Council Chambers.

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