The online portal has been activated to register for the Summit on Sustainability, MORPC’s signature environmental conference. The event brings together hundreds of community leaders to explore and share sustainable ideas and solutions, and to celebrate individuals and collaborative sustainability efforts with the Regional Sustainability Awards. The Regional Sustainability Awards are presented to those who have made significant contributions to the region in the area of sustainability.

This year’s summit theme is “Shaping Resilient Communities.”

The summit will feature keynote speaker Christopher Coes during the morning plenary session. Christopher Coes is the Vice President of Land Use and Development at Smart Growth America. There will also be breakout sessions that focus on energy, water quality, materials management, local foods, active transportation, land-use development, air quality, social equity, and policy.

During the lunch plenary session hear from local speakers that will provide Pecha Kucha style presentations while sharing real-life solutions and self-sustaining practices that will make our communities better today and tomorrow.

The Summit on Sustainability will take place on October 11 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Hilton Columbus Downtown, 401 North High Street. Registration can be accomplished here.

MORPC, a regional council of nearly 70 local governments and agencies in Central Ohio, including Delaware County and its cities, serves the region through planning, direct service, public policy information, innovative programming and intergovernmental coordinating services in the areas of transportation, land use, energy conservation, the environment and housing.

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