The Delaware Soil and Water Conservation District has announced the lineup of farms which will be open for its second annual Free Farm Tour on July 20.

This self-guided tour will also be self-paced, and will consist of four different stops throughout Delaware County. Each stop has unique conservation practices and activities to showcase.

Families can choose to visit any or all of the stops.

Additional fun and educational opportunities will be available at each location, including food and wine samples, farm animals, crafts, and music entertainment. The Tour will be held between 12:30 PM and 4:30 PM.

Below are the scheduled farm tour stops. Check back often and follow us on Facebook as event organizers add details. Click on any farm name for additional information about each.

Dawson Farms Inc.

2831 Bowtown Road, Delaware, OH 43015

Goodson Gardens and Orchard

7956 Steitz Road, Powell, OH 43065

Mad Max Farms

4140 Clark Shaw Road, Powell, OH 43065

Soine Winery

3510 Clark Shaw Road, Powell, OH 43065

Photo: Free-Photos from Pixabay

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