It’s time for the 2020 Maple Fest at Camp Lazarus, a family event full of food and fun.

The event takes place on March 7 and again on March 14 from 9 AM to 4 PM.

Highlights include:

  • A $5 Pancake Feast will be served in the dining hall all day with pancakes, maple syrup, sausage links and drinks. Hot dogs and chips are available in the afternoon. Please remember that meals are not included with regular festival admission.
  • Visit pioneer areas where you can learn pioneer games, watch a blacksmith make nails, try your hand at branding, rope making, and other skills. Stop by The Adams Mullins Sugar Shack to learn how maple syrup is made and meet syrup makers. BB guns, fire building and other favorites will be returning.
  • Snag a bag of Liberty Kettle Corn, which had rave reviews from guests last year.
  • For a small fee, buy a bowl of handmade bean soup, try some fry bread, make a whistle, or do a small leather stamping project. (NOTE: available while supplies last)

Admission is just $10. Camp Lazarus is located at 4422 Columbus Pike in Delaware.

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