Special to 1808Delaware

It seems hard to believe that the time is already here to look ahead at Independence Day and all that that entails.

The City of Delaware’s annual Independence Day celebration will take place on Monday, July 4.

Fireworks, sponsored by community supporters and the City of Delaware, will launch from the traditional location at the City’s Cherry Street property, with viewing along Henry Street, Sandusky Street and the Ohio Wesleyan University athletic practice fields. Fireworks on July 4 will begin about 10 PM.

Prior to fireworks, the Central Ohio Symphony will perform its traditional outdoor concert on the Ohio Wesleyan University campus at 7:30 pm. Outdoor seating will be on the Phillips Glen lawn. More information is here.

The day’s activities get started with the annual parade, beginning at 3 pm., and once again sponsored by Citizens for the 4th. The entry form is here.

The route will follow past years, from the fairgrounds main gate on Pennsylvania Avenue, to Sandusky Street, through the downtown to Wilmer Street to Henry Street.

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