You’re invited to join the Bishop Backers on February 16 for Winter Community Day 2019, a free Delaware celebration held in Ohio Wesleyan University’s Branch Rickey Arena and Gordon Field House on the OWU campus.
The family-friendly event will include free on-campus parking and free admission to both a Delaware Expo showcasing local nonprofits and businesses and to an Ohio Wesleyan women’s and men’s varsity basketball doubleheader. (Admission is free with a canned food donation – unexpired, please – or a monetary donation to benefit the Delaware County Hunger Alliance, a United Way of Delaware County initiative.)
During the Bishop Backers event, both the OWU women’s and men’s basketball teams will take on the Big Red from Denison University. The women’s game will tip off at 1 PM, preceded by members of the Delaware Community Chorus singing the national anthem. The men’s game will follow at 3 PM.
The Delaware Expo will be open from noon to 3:30 PM and include free giveaways for the first 100 people through the door, courtesy of First Commonwealth Bank. In addition to local exhibitors, the expo also will feature:
- An indoor children’s play area courtesy of the Delaware Community Center YMCA.
- A visit from Columbus Zoo and Aquarium animal ambassadors from 2:15-3:15 PM.
- Dogs to pet and adopt from the Humane Society of Delaware County.
- A chance to meet OWU varsity athletes.
- Free raffles for prizes including a Phillips 55-inch Ultra 4K UHD TV from Walmart.
Community Day is intended to bring people together for a free afternoon of entertainment and education, building on the strong sense of cooperation and collaboration that makes Delaware such a great community. The expo also will help businesses and community service organizations connect with potential customers and volunteers, including Ohio Wesleyan students and alumni.

Those wishing to have a table at the expo are asked to register before February 4. Registration is free for nonprofit organizations. For-profit businesses are asked to contribute a minimum $10 gift card to be used for event raffles. Registrants will be provided with a table and two chairs. Electronic expo registration forms are available online at
The Bishop Backers is an organization of community advocates interested in sharing information about OWU athletics and other events at Ohio Wesleyan and in connecting potential student-volunteers, interns, and employees with local organizations.[widgets_on_pages id=1]