Did you know that the fine folks at Perkins Observatory offer a monthly lecture series aimed at adults who want to learn more about astronomical topics?

New Visits in Astronomy meets on one Thursday night each month and is geared toward a more adult audience. It is a “mini-course” in astronomy, in which OSU and OWU professors discuss their current research and any new findings in their area of expertise.

Tickets are $10 for each lecture. Tickets for the entire series are available at a discount. The lectures have a capacity of 80 guests, so registration is required. You can call and purchase your ticket in advance at (740)-363-1257.

The remaining lecture for 2019 takes place on December 12 with a topic of “Black Holes: Monsters of the Cosmos.” Speaker is Mike Stamatikos of OSU.

Tickets for the regular Friday Night Public Programs remain available for November 1, November 8, and November 15. Call ahead to verify your ticket(s).

Perkins Observatory is located at 3199 Columbus Pike, south of Delaware.

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