Ohio Wesleyan University has announced its November 2019 lineup of public events. Unless otherwise noted, admission is free. For the latest OWU event information, visit www.owu.edu/calendar or “like” www.facebook.com/OhioWesleyanUniversityNews. For a list of Battling Bishop athletics events, visit www.battlingbishops.com.

Now through December 12 – “Art for Everyone: Making the Delaware Mural Project” documenting the creation of downtown Delaware’s first public mural, in Gallery 2001 inside Beeghly Library, 43 Rowland Ave., Delaware. The exhibit features the work of artist Brett Cook along with the photos, writings, and art created by citizens participating in the artistic process of creating the first community murals in the City of Delaware. Learn more about Cook at www.brett-cook.com. Gallery 2001, located on the library’s first floor, is open during library hours. For times, visit www.library.owu.edu/hours. The gallery is a gift from the Class of 2001 and a satellite of the Richard M. Ross Art Museum. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu.

October 31 – February 9, 2020 – “Bijoux Contemporains: Francophone Artists Reimagine Adornment” featuring works by 13 jewelers from French-speaking countries in Canada and Europe, at the Richard M. Ross Art Museum, 60 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. Each creator reimagines the ways art and jewelry inform one another in a contemporary context. The exhibit is organized by Noel Guyomarc’h in collaboration with Erin Fletcher, director of the Ross Art Museum; Mary Anne Lewis Cusato, associate professor of modern foreign languages; and Cynthia Cetlin, professor of fine arts. Jewelers featured are Marianne Anselin, Marie Eve Castonguay, Ambroise Degenève, Gabrielle Desmarais, Catherine Granche, Aurelie Guillaume, Sophie Hanagarth, Patricia LeMaire, Nelly Van Oost, Claude Schmitz, Catherine Sheedy, Magali Thibault-Gobeil, and Anne-Sophie Vallée. On Nov. 21, the museum will host a curator lecture at noon, an exhibition tour with the OWU faculty collaborators at 5 PM, and a reception at 5:30 PM. During the academic year, the Ross Art Museum is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 AM to 5 PM; Thursday from 10 AM to 9 PM; and Sunday from 1 PM to 5 PM. The museum is handicap-accessible and admission is always free. Call (740) 368-3606 or visit www.owu.edu/ross for more information.

October 31 – February 9, 2020 – “Figuring Our Humanity” featuring two-dimensional prints and three-dimensional ceramic works that invite the viewers to contemplate the expressive, unique, and timeless visual qualities of the human figure, and the idea of humanity, at the Richard M. Ross Art Museum, 60 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. The exhibition is curated by Kristina Bogdanov, associate professor of fine arts, and OWU alumna Tammy Wallace, assistant director of the museum. The exhibit includes ceramic artists Jim Bowling, Sarah Hahn, Kyle & Kelly Phelps, Tara Polansky, Richard Swanson, Paul Wandless, and Janis Mars Wunderlich along with prints from Ohio Wesleyan’s permanent collection by Leonard Baskin, Peter Blake, Wanda Ewing, Dorothy Getz, Alberto Giacometti, Toshijiro (Nenjiro) Inagaki, Karl Kasten, Oskar Kokoschka, Kathe Kollwitz, Georges Rouault, Arthur Segal, Sadao Watanabe, and Janis Mars Wunderlich.

Several special events are planned in connection with the exhibition, including an opening reception at 2 PM November 3; a curator tour and panel discussion starting at 6:30 PM November 5; and figure drawing classes at 7 PM November 7 and 14, January 23, and February 6. Classes are free for students with a valid school ID and $5 for all others.

During the academic year, the museum is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 AM to 5 PM; Thursday from 10 AM to 9 PM and Sunday from 1 PM to 5 PM. The museum is handicap-accessible and admission is always free. Call (740) 368-3606 or visit www.owu.edu/ross for more information.

3-5 PM November 1 – The Delaware and Ohio Wesleyan communities will gather to celebrate University Chaplain Jon Powers, who retired in July after 31 years of service, in Room 301 of OWU’s Merrick Hall, 65 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. Remarks will begin at 4 PM. Anyone wishing to write a letter to share with Powers is invited to send it before Oct. 21 to Letter for Chaplain Powers in care of the Ohio Wesleyan Office of Alumni Relations, 61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware OH 43015. Contributions in his name also are being accepted at www.owu.edu/give to support the OWU Chaplain’s Fund. Admission to the celebration is free, but registration is requested. To register or for more information, visit ChaplainPowers.eventbrite.com.

8 PM November 1 – Ohio Wesleyan opera scenes performance, in Jemison Auditorium inside Sanborn Hall, 23 Elizabeth St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

8 PM November 1, 8, and 15 – Evening programs at Ohio Wesleyan’s Perkins Observatory, 3199 Columbus Pike (U.S. 23), Delaware. Content varies based on sky conditions, but may include a planetarium show, observatory tours, and star gazing with the 32-inch Schottland Telescope. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Reserve tickets by calling (740) 363-1257. Learn more at www.owu.edu/perkins. 

7 PM November 2 – A Cappellooza, OWU’s seventh annual voices-only showcase, in Gray Chapel inside University Hall, 61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. The concert will feature good-vibe-themed songs by student a cappella groups from Ohio Wesleyan, Otterbein, and Wittenberg universities. The event also will feature Ember, a six-member vocal group from Baltimore, Maryland, that won the International Championship of A Cappella (ICA) Open Northeast 2018. Formed in 2017, Ember includes an internationally ranked beatboxer, students from The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, and an award-winning arranger. Learn more about the group at www.embervocals.com. Tickets are $5 general admission and available via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-cappellooza-2019-tickets-76809488247. The concert is free for Ohio Wesleyan students and employees with a valid university ID. Doors will open at 6:30 PM. A Cappellooza is organized by OWU’s student Campus Programming Board. Learn more at www.owu.edu. 

7 PM November 4 – Meredith Palmer, Ph.D., OWU Class of 2011, discusses “Taking it to the Field: Zoology in Practice,” in Benes Room B of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, 40 Rowland Ave., Delaware. An OWU pre-professional zoology major, Palmer currently is a behavioral ecologist and National Science Foundation postdoctoral scholar at Princeton University. She specializes in the study of predators and prey among African and North American land mammals, examining the direct and indirect effects of predators on prey behavior, prey demography, and ecosystem functioning. Palmer’s discussion is part of the 2019-2020 Sagan National Colloquium*. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/snc.

6:30 PM November 5 – OWU’s Hispanic Film Festival presents a screening and discussion of “The Death of Pinochet,” in Room 312 of the R.W. Corns Building, 78 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. On Dec. 10, 2006, General Pinochet dies unexpectedly in Santiago’s Military Hospital. For 24 hours, his death reawakens the political divisions that marked Chile’s recent history with death and violence. Using original footage and the testimonies of four characters who lived through the day, this 2011 film by directors Ivan Osnovikoff and Bettina Perut relates the end of a key chapter in Chile’s history. (Spanish with English subtitles.) The festival is hosted by Ohio Wesleyan’s Department of Modern Foreign Languages, Spanish Program, in collaboration with the Film Studies Program, Latin American Studies Program, Global Studies Institute, and VIVA Latinx student organization. Admission is free. For more information, contact faculty member Eva Paris at [email protected].

8 PM November 5 – Ohio Wesleyan Brass Choir concert, conducted by faculty member Larry Griffin, in Jemison Auditorium inside Sanborn Hall, 23 Elizabeth St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

7 PM November 8 – “Reporting on the World: Careers in Journalism,” a panel discussion featuring OWU alumni Kara Dickinson, Class of 1995, a nationally recognized environmental consultant and communicator; Jonna Gallo, Class of 1993 an editor with Family Circle Magazine; Tom Jolly, Class of 1977, an editor with The New York Times; and Gordon Witkin, Class of 1977, a former editor with U.S. News & World Report and Congressional Quarterly. Their discussion will be held in Gray Chapel inside University Hall, 61 S. Sandusky St. The discussion is part of the 2019-2020 Sagan National Colloquium*. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/snc.

3:15 PM November 10 – Ohio Wesleyan music faculty and guest concert featuring UCelli, the Columbus cello quartet, performing “Four Women,” in Jemison Auditorium inside Sanborn Hall, 23 Elizabeth St., Delaware. Learn more about UCelli at www.ucelli.org. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

Noon November 12 – Ohio Wesleyan music recital featuring performances of original pieces written by OWU composition students, in Jemison Auditorium inside Sanborn Hall, 23 Elizabeth St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

4:10 PM November 12 – Writer-illustrator Martha Park, M.F.A., OWU Class of 2011, presents a reading and screening of her work, in the Bayley Room on the second floor of Beeghly Library, 43 Rowland Ave., Delaware. An English major who focused on creative writing, Park is a former Philip Roth Writer-in-Residence at Bucknell University’s Stadler Center for Poetry, and her work has appeared in publications including Granta, Ecotone, The Rumpus, The Atlantic’s CityLab, Image, Gravy, The Common, Paper Darts, Terrain.org, The Hollins Critic, at the On Being blog, and elsewhere. Learn more at https://marthaparkwrites.com. Her presentation is part of the Department of English’s Poets & Writers Series and part of the 2019-2020 Sagan National Colloquium*. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/english or www.owu.edu/snc.

6:30 PM November 12 – OWU’s Hispanic Film Festival presents a screening and discussion of “Truman,” in Room 312 of the R.W. Corns Building, 78 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. Terminally ill actor Julián wants to spend his final days tying up loose ends. When childhood friend Tomás pays him an unexpected visit, the two men set out to finalize funeral arrangements, settle accounts, and find a home for Julián’s beloved dog, Truman. This award-winning 2015 film is directed by Cesc Gay and filmed in Argentina and Spain. (Spanish with English subtitles.) The festival is hosted by Ohio Wesleyan’s Department of Modern Foreign Languages, Spanish Program, in collaboration with the Film Studies Program, Latin American Studies Program, Global Studies Institute, and VIVA Latinx student organization. Admission is free. For more information, contact faculty member Eva Paris at [email protected].

7:30 PM — November 12 – Ohio Wesleyan’s annual Economic Outlook Conference features a panel of experts discussing their forecasts for the 2020 economy, in Benes Room B of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, 40 Rowland Ave., Delaware. Panelists will be Bill LaFayette, founder of Regionomics; Mark Schweitzer, senior vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland; and Ian Sheldon, Andersons Chair for Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics at The Ohio State University. The conference is sponsored by OWU’s Department of Economics and Business and by the university’s Woltemade Center for Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship. Each expert will speak for 15 minutes and then respond to questions and comments from the audience and panel moderator Goran Skosples, OWU associate professor of economics. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/woltemade.

8 PM November 12 – Ohio Wesleyan Chamber Orchestra concert, conducted by faculty member Antoine Clark, in Gray Chapel inside University Hall, 61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

Noon November 14 – Matt Vollrath, OWU assistant professor of business administration, discusses “Creating a Strong City Brand: A Look at Columbus,” in Room 312 of the R.W. Corns Building, 78 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. Vollrath, D.B.A., joined the Ohio Wesleyan faculty in 2017 after more than a decade of work in marketing and communications. His academic interests include the evolving role of data in marketing and the relationship between consumers and brand values. Vollrath’s presentation is the university’s 2019 Norman Gharrity Lecture, named in honor of the retired economics professor who taught at OWU from 1962 to 2005. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/economics.

7 PM November 14 – Travel Guide author Cameron Hewitt, OWU Class of 1998, discusses his journey “From OWU to the World,” including his work with travel guru Rick Steves, who describes Hewitt as “well-traveled, smart, and insightful.” Hewitt, a German Studies major at Ohio Wesleyan, will speak in Benes Room B of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, 40 Rowland Ave., Delaware. Read about his travel adventures at https://blog.ricksteves.com/cameron. His discussion is presented by The OWU Connection program and the 2019-2020 Sagan National Colloquium*. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/snc.

8 PM November 15 and 2 PM and 8 PM November 16 – “ORCHESIS 19/20,” Ohio Wesleyan’s annual contemporary dance concert, featuring original work by six students, guest choreographer Megan Davis Bushway, and artistic director Rashana Perks Smith. “Orchesis” will be performed on the Main Stage inside Chappelear Drama Center, 45 Rowland Ave., Delaware. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for senior citizens, Ohio Wesleyan employees, and non-OWU students. Admission is free for Ohio Wesleyan students with a valid OWU ID. To reserve tickets, call the box office at (740) 368-3855. For more information, visit www.owu.edu/TheatreAndDance. 

7 PM November 16 – Ohio Wesleyan student recital featuring performances of original compositions by junior Noah Green and seniors Jess Martich and Mi So Yoo, in Jemison Auditorium inside Sanborn Hall, 23 Elizabeth St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music. 

3:15 PM November 17 – Ohio Wesleyan Choral Art Society concert, conducted by faculty member Jason Hiester, in Gray Chapel inside University Hall, 61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

7 PM November 17 – Ohio Wesleyan student recital featuring senior Ni Dong, piano, in Jemison Auditorium inside Sanborn Hall, 23 Elizabeth St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

Noon November 19 – Ohio Wesleyan student recital including junior Austin Wood, voice, in Jemison Auditorium inside Sanborn Hall, 23 Elizabeth St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

7 PM November 19 – Joshua Mandelbaum, OWU Class of 2000, discusses “Using Superpowers to Change the World,” in Benes Room B of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, 40 Rowland Ave., Delaware. An English and psychology double-major at Ohio Wesleyan, Mandelbaum is the executive director of 826NYC/Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company. The nonprofit seeks to “encourage the exploration of endless possibility through the power of writing. To empower students with the skills to write their own paths forward, undefined by circumstance. … And to foster generations of creative writers and thinkers, who together will define a better future.” His discussion is part of the 2019-2020 Sagan National Colloquium*. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/snc.

8 PM November 19 – Ohio Wesleyan Park Avenue Jazz Ensemble concert, conducted by faculty member Kevin Turner, in Gray Chapel inside University Hall, 61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

8 PM November 21 – Ohio Wesleyan Symphonic Wind Ensemble concert, conducted by faculty member Richard Edwards, in Gray Chapel inside University Hall, 61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware. Admission is free. Learn more at www.owu.edu/music.

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