Marty Kalb, OWU professor emeritus of fine arts, has had one of his paintings purchased by the Columbus Museum of Art.

The painting, “Chagrin Falls Winter,” is one of a series Kalb made several years ago of waterfalls in Ohio, New York, and Vermont. The director of the museum, Nannette Maciejunes, saw has painting at an exhibition of Ohio artists at the Governor’s Mansion in 2019 and chose to add it to the museum’s collection.

The University has expressed regret that OWU Magazine recently printed the painting upside down, and apologized to Professor Kalb and to magazine readers.

Kalb taught painting, drawing, and modern art history at Ohio Wesleyan from 1967 to 2007. During that time, he was honored with the university’s Daniel E. Anderson Campus and Community Conscience Award in 2004 and the Bishop Herbert Welch Meritorious Teaching Award in 2007.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan State University, a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Yale University, and Master of Arts from the University of California, Berkeley, California. His artwork is represented in numerous major museums in the United States and abroad.

Learn more about Kalb and see examples of his artwork at

Source, Photo: Ohio Wesleyan University

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