In a recent message to village, Ostrander Mayor Robert Taylor shared news about the village joining communities across the country using the online service Nextdoor.

According to Wikipedia, Nextdoor is a social networking service for neighborhoods. Based in San Francisco, the company was founded in 2008 and launched in the US in October 2011.

Users of Nextdoor submit their real names and addresses to the website. Posts made to the website are available only to other Nextdoor members living in the same neighborhood.

In his message, Taylor shared:

“Starting today, I am pleased to announce that the Village of Ostrander will be utilizing Nextdoor to help make our neighborhoods stronger and safer. The Village of Ostrander plans to share important news and emergency notifications that are relevant to your neighborhood. Please be assured that your Nextdoor website remains private. Our staff will not be able to see any of the content on your neighborhood website except for the direct replies to our posts. We look forward to communicating with you on Nextdoor to make Ostrander an even better place to live.”

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