Special to 1808Delaware

The City of Powell has opened the application process for a partial-term council seat that is currently vacant. Any citizen that has been a resident of the City of Powell for one (1) year may apply. Interested applicants should email the City’s Human Resources Department at [email protected], stating their desire and willingness to fill the unexpired term along with a current resume. The deadline to apply is by 5 PM on Friday, June 2.

City Council will choose to interview applicants and a new council member will be appointed in accordance with the City’s Charter. The person selected shall serve until the next regularly scheduled municipal election [November 2023] when a successor shall be chosen by the voters for the remainder of the unexpired term which expires December 31, 2025.

Council meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 PM.

Additionally, there are two committee vacancies available.


The City of Powell is currently looking for a resident to fill an opening on the Operations Committee. This committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. to review and discuss operations of the City that impact area residents and businesses.


The City of Powell is currently looking for a resident to fill an opening on the Tax Incentive Review Council. This committee meets annually to review all agreements granting exemptions from property taxation and any performance and/or audit reports required pursuant to those agreements.

Any interested resident should complete a Board & Commission Application, expressing their skills and expertise that will enhance the work of the committee.

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