Powell Police Office Audrey Wilt was recently honored with the 2022 Crisis Intervention Team Officer of the Year award from the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health & Recovery Services Board (DMMHRSB). The award recognizes law enforcement officers that have demonstrated exemplary crisis intervention skills or otherwise gone above and beyond in their professional capacity as first responders. The CIT Officer of the Year award recognizes and celebrates individuals who have made outstanding contributions to positive crisis outcomes for those served by the mental health and recovery services system.

Over the past 10 months, Officer Wilt has processed 65 Crisis Intervention Team calls in Powell, assisting officers in interactions with persons in an altered mental state. As a crisis negotiator for the Delaware Tactical Unit, she has also utilized her de-escalation and mediation skills to the benefit of county residents.

“It’s an honor to be recognized by an organization that provides such needed resources to the community,” stated Officer Wilt. “The Powell Police Department embraces a standard of excellence that I am proud to uphold and strive for in my efforts every day.”

“Officer Wilt works hard every day to connect with and serve the citizens of this community,” said Powell Police Chief Stephen Hrytzik. “We are proud of her accomplishment in being honored by DMMHRSB and recognize her as a valued team member of the Powell Police Department.”

About Officer Wilt

Community Oriented Powell Policing Officer Audrey Wilt started her career with the Mansfield Police Department as a 911 operator/emergency dispatcher. She obtained a bachelor’s in substance abuse/addictions counseling from the University of Cincinnati and then graduated from the Ohio State Highway Patrol Basic Police Academy. She continued to work for the Mansfield Police as a patrol officer until 2009 when she moved to the Powell Police Department.

At Powell, Officer Wilt has completed many law enforcement courses, earning several certifications including Child Safety Seat Technician, R.A.D. instructor, radKIDS instructor, Law Enforcement PIO, and Hostage Negotiator.

She was named Powell Officer of the Year in 2016 and 2021.

This fall, Officer Wilt will graduate with a master’s in criminal justice from the University of Cincinnati.

About the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health & Recovery Services Board

In partnership with the community, the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health & Recovery Services Board plans, develops, evaluates, and provides for high quality, cost effective, appropriate mental health and substance use treatment and prevention services that are accessible to the residents of Delaware and Morrow Counties. For more information, visit delmormentalhealth.org.

Source, Photo: City of Powell

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